A 7' Flat-Bottom Pram-Bowed Tender
By William Atkin
Here Is a Dinghy You've Been Waiting For
"Some dinghies are too large, heavy, and cumbersome for the small cruising boat. So we asked Mr. Atkin to design one which would be light and small, yet be as serviceable as a 14-footer. He has done this and kept within one half the length -- 7 feet."
In examining the design several interesting features will be noticed, not least among these is the fore and aft rowing seat. This seating arrangement permits the oarsman to shift his weight depending upon the number being carried in the boat. With one aboard, the after row locks would be used and the trim preserved; with two aboard, the forward row locks are used and the rower's weight, being shifted forward, counterbalances that of the passenger aft; with three in the dink, and she will carry three, the oarsman rows from the after locks and again the correct trim is maintained. The narrow thwart under the forward seat prevents the sides from panting, especially at such times as the boat is tipped up ashore to free her of water. Without this thwart the sides are insufficiently stiff and great care must be taken not to start a leak along the bottom where the cross planking joins. Notice also the ring bolt at the bow; from this Rinky-Dink will tow like a charm, with her head up and without yawing and pitching.
Large scale plans for Rinky-Dink are $100
Rinky-Dink may also be built from The Small Boat Book
We apologize for the inconvinience, but we are no longer accepting orders at this time. The ordering process is in transition.